Welcome to my cabin in the fediverse.

I'm excited to start my blogging/writing journey again on the fediverse. I've chosen to use hubzilla to build my home on the internet. Previously i've dabbled with static sites, google blogs, wordpress, github pages and other such options but they all lacked something or the other, such as interactivity via comments, sharing tools, customizability, etc. However, hubzilla checked all the boxes, it gives me the ability build my website, share content with granular control, an open and federated social network with support for zot6, friendica, diaspora, activitypub protocols, calendar, chat, addressbook and most importantly the freedom to tinker with the source and adapt it to your own needs, theme it as you want, build your own plugins etc.

Combined with the hobby of self-hosting, this has been a perfect solution, it allows me to follow rss feeds of websites and magazines i read, people who use open protocol based social networks while providing robust privacy controls. The ability to have per user profiles to present your persona as suited is amazing, imagine having a profile which shows your professional side to some while another which is more casual for your friends.

I would highly recommend you to try it out, it looks a bit plain and simple to begin with but it packs a powerful punch beneath the hood. The amount of control it gives you to adapt it to your needs can only be appreciated hands on.